Pregnancy Calendar

5th Week of Pregnancy

The embryo has developed incredibly fast in a short period of time. During week five, the heart will start beating. The cardiovascular system is developing, his spinal cord and the brain, consisting of two separate lobes, are forming. The pear-shaped, 2.5 millimeter-long embryo is now visible on an ultrasound scan. The round tip will become the head and the sharp back will become the backbone. By week five, a rudimentary form of umbilical cord and placenta have formed. The latter will nourish the embryo with food and oxygen. A pregnancy test at this point in time will be strongly positive. If you haven’t felt tired until now, you most likely will.

Your breasts may feel sore and your back may hurt, you can get heartburn, headaches, and morning sickness. Do not be surprised if you experience mood swings. It may be that you are one of those women who aren’t too fazed by things in the first trimester, but eventually, you will suffer from aches and pains later on.

Don’t worry if you are having your period, it doesn’t mean you aren’t pregnant. Every pregnancy is different. However, if your pregnancy symptoms appear to fade, consult your doctor or midwife.

If you are a big fan of coffee, now would be the time to limit your daily caffeine intake.

Eat bite-size meals frequently to avoid heartburn and nausea. Try sleeping with a bra on to avoid breast tenderness. If you have a cat, let someone else change the cat litter. Cat feces may contain toxoplasmosis, a parasite that is especially dangerous during the early stages of pregnancy.

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