Pregnancy Calendar

25th Week of Pregnancy

Your baby continues to grow quickly and his body and head now have the right proportions. His backbone, lungs, and blood circulation have fully developed, bones have become stronger and the brain is growing. Your baby’s nostrils are now open.

According to research, babies at this stage of development prefer sweets to other tastes. During this time, you may get stretch marks on your belly, breasts, and hips. They’re caused by a lack of collagen in the connective tissue. The skin on your belly might be tight and itchy. Your uterus is already the size of a football and continues to grow. It is putting pressure on your bladder, making you go to the toilet more often. You may start feeling cramps in your legs, a common side-effect during pregnancy.

Have you noticed that your hair appears to be thicker and lusher? This is caused by a pregnancy hormone that stops your hair from falling out. Around this time, your doctor will measure your blood sugar to determine your risk of developing gestational diabetes.

We spoke about pregnancy stretch marks at week 17. You can try to support your stomach by using supportive underwear or by wearing a special bandage. You can relieve itchiness by moisturizing your skin, there is a wide choice of lotions and creams available at the pharmacy, or you can use homemade remedies such as cocoa butter, castor oil, coconut oil, aloe vera, lemon juice, and tea tree oil. Also, be sure to drink a lot of water to keep your skin flexible.

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