Pregnancy Calendar

16th Week of Pregnancy

The fetus is up to 16 centimeters long and weighs over 100 grams. He has active and passive sleep periods. He pees after every 40-45 minutes and if you are lucky, you might catch him sucking on his thumb during an ultrasound scan. His hand and leg movements are becoming more coordinated and stronger.

The baby can cross his hands, he holds his head in a more upper position and he is able to turn it. Your baby’s eyes have moved closer together and although they are still closed, he is able to move them.

Over the next three weeks, the fetus will go through a growth spurt and will eventually weigh double his weight.

That stabbing pain that you feel is a sign of the womb’s muscles stretching. If you feel butterflies, that’s the baby kicking the walls of the uterus. If it’s the first pregnancy the activities of the child may not yet be perceptible, but the movements will get stronger over the next couple of weeks.

Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive salt. Your body needs more liquid now.

In the near future, your doctor or midwife will give you a mid-term ultrasound scan. He will check the baby’s internal organs and body parts for any abnormalities; measure the amount of amniotic fluid, and determine the position of the placenta. The gestational age of the pregnancy and the due date can be determined by the fetus’ measurements.

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