Pregnancy Calendar

15th Week of Pregnancy

Your baby is growing quickly. Your baby’s legs are growing longer than his arms now and all his joints and limbs can move. Although your baby’s eyes are still closed, he can perceive light from the outside. If you shine a flashlight on your belly your baby will probably move away from the harsh light. The baby’s brain and spine are formed. His skin is thin and translucent. The sebaceous glands which lubricate the skin have formed and his body is covered with little hairs. If your child has genes for dark hair, he will start to produce dark pigmentation.

As for you, the size of your heart has increased due to the extra blood flow to the uterus. Your heart rate has also increased and you might experience shortness of breath. Don’t worry, this is normal.
You may suffer from nasal congestion because of the rising levels of estrogen that is affecting the mucous lining inside your nose. Increased blood volume expands nose blood vessels and you may get nosebleeds from time to time when catching a cold or having an allergic reaction.

Pregnancy weakens your immune system making you more susceptible to infections. Your pregnant belly will really become visible between weeks 14 and 20, so don’t worry if you’re not showing just yet. The size of the bump may vary for every woman. You will show later in your first pregnancy than with subsequent pregnancies.
Research has revealed that most pregnant women feel aversion towards some food tastes or smells. If some of the healthy stuff recommended to you by your doctor bothers you, don’t stress about it. There’s nothing that you absolutely have to eat at all cost. You can get the necessary nutrients from other sources. Besides, your new cravings aren’t going to last forever.

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