Pregnancy Calendar

28th Week of Pregnancy

Your baby weighs more than 1 kg and is over 35 centimeters long. If your baby were to be born now, it would have a 90% chance of survival with intensive care.

Still, it is better he continues to grow inside you up until the time he is ready to meet the world. Your baby practices sucking and it may cause him hiccups. You’ll feel rhythmic throbbing in your belly. If you stroke your stomach, your baby may react to this with a kick. Your uterus has reached your ribcage and your weight will continue to increase steadily until week 36-37. Weight gain for pregnant women is a great indicator of good nutrition.

Your weight should increase 300-400 grams a week and in total 9-11 kilograms during pregnancy. Nausea is a thing of the past but it could be replaced by heartburn and indigestion. You can prevent heartburn by eating small amounts at a time and avoiding spicy foods. During the third trimester, many mothers begin to leak colostrum from their breasts, which will be your baby’s first milk. In the coming weeks, you will feel your baby’s movements strengthening. If your baby becomes significantly less active than usual, see your doctor. Usually, a baby is highly active at this stage of pregnancy.

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