Pregnancy Calendar

29th Week of Pregnancy

Your baby is around 38 centimeters long and weighs about 1.3 kilograms. Fat accounts for about 3 percent of his total body weight.

Your child drinks up to half a liter of amniotic fluid a day and releases it as urine. The amniotic fluid is constantly being replaced and renewed. The bone marrow manufactures red blood cells and the brain continues to form nerve cells. Its brain has already developed enough to start regulating its body temperature. Your baby may sleep in the day and stay awake at night, preventing you from getting enough sleep. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean he will carry on this way right up to the birth. Do you suffer from involuntary muscle contractions in your legs, especially at night? Some doctors think that leg spasms are caused by the pressure of the uterus on the nerves and blood vessels that go to your leg, others say it is caused by an excess of phosphorus and lack of calcium or magnesium in your body. Your baby is also increasingly putting pressure on your internal organs and bowel, but don’t forget these discomforts will disappear soon after birth. If you get a cramp in your legs, stretch them out and bend your toes. Drink plenty of water and avoid standing up for long periods of time.

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