Pregnancy Calendar

39th Week of Pregnancy

The baby’s lungs are working intensely, producing a substance that prevents the baby from suffocating, when he takes his first breath. Your child will continue to put on weight. The fetal hair has disappeared. A vague tingling sensation and pressure in the lower abdomen means the cervix is softening and is preparing to dilate.

You may feel big and clumsy. You may find that you are not getting enough sleep. Keep in mind that labor doesn’t always begin with a dramatic breaking of waters that you see in the movies. Some women drip a spoonful of water, others have a more active labor process. Some babies are even born still encased in the amniotic sac. Usually, the sign of impending labor is the release of the mucus plug and frequent and strong labor pains. In the last weeks of pregnancy, some women have strange dreams. Make the most of this time by filling your days with pleasant activities and enjoy them as much as your big belly and body allow you to.

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