Pregnancy Calendar

36th Week of Pregnancy

All your baby’s bones except for the skull have strengthened. He is about 47 centimeters long and weighs 2.5 kilograms. Your child’s intestines are filled with their first feces or meconium. The baby should be positioned head down. If he doesn’t turn himself around in the next week, you might be scheduled for a caesarian section. A pregnancy is considered full-term from week 37-42, so when this week ends, your baby could be arriving at any moment.

Your baby may descend to your pelvis. You will know it as your weight shifts downwards and breathing becomes easier. But you will still have increased pressure on your bladder and you will be going to the toilet more frequently than before. Also, be ready for flatulence and constipation. Although your child has gained weight, you may not gain discernible weight yourself. Some women can even lose a couple of kilograms before giving birth. If contractions occur every five minutes and last for an hour, it’s time to head to the hospital. If your water breaks, don’t panic, get in touch with your doctor or midwife.

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