Pregnancy Calendar

26th Week of Pregnancy

Your baby will exercise its breathing muscles by breathing amniotic fluid in and out. Although your baby’s skin is still wrinkled and transparent, its blood vessels are less visible because the layer of fat under his skin has become thicker.

Research has shown that your baby can react to touch. Also, your baby’s eyes can perceive light and he can understand if you are standing close to a strong light source. You may get annoyed at frequent trips to the bathroom which may interrupt your sleep but, due to the pressure from your growing uterus, you can’t avoid this until the end of your pregnancy. You may also suffer from constipation.

To get plenty of rest, you might consider using your paid time off work if you’re entitled to it before going on maternity leave. If possible, take daily naps to make sure your body can have plenty of downtime. Find whatever sleeping position is most comfortable for you, raise your legs, and use pillows to support your belly.

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