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Homemade Baby Wipes

Baby wipes are comfortable and very multifunctional – you can use them for cleaning surfaces, cleaning your hands, or using them while changing your baby’s diaper. Unfortunately, baby wipes are hard to recycle and therefore not so good for the environment. If you still want to use baby wipes and be green, you can make all-natural ones at home.

You will need a roll of kitchen paper, a wider jar with a lid, a sharp knife, 235 ml of distilled water, 1 tbsp of pure witch hazel, 1 tbsp of liquid Castile baby soap, 1 tbsp of baby oil, and a bowl for mixing.

Cut the kitchen paper roll into half and remove the inner tube. Place half of the roll into a jar.

Mix all the ingredients together and pour them into the jar. Move the jar so that the paper can absorb the liquid.

The wipes can be preserved for up to one week at room temperature.